- Our Business
- Services
- Fitness-for-Service
- Corrosion Management
- Welding, Fabrication and Repairs Support
- Materials Engineering
- Risk-based Inspection (RBI)
- Bolted Joints
- Mechanical, Pressure Vessel and Piping Design
- Reliability Engineering
- Root Cause and Failure Analyses
- Threat and Risk Analysis
- Turnaround Support
- Life extension studies / Plant Optimization
- Brownfield Projects Support
- Greenfield Projects Support
- AIM Audits
- Training
- Integrity Management Data Systems
- Technology Development and Joint Industry Projects
- Software
- Training
- Products
- Joint Industry Projects
IES specializes in API 579 Level 3 Fitness-for-Service (FFS) assessments and can perform the highest level of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) available, including non-linear analysis, specialized material models, dynamic analysis, crack growth modelling, fatigue and user subroutine driven creep assessments. At IES we have performed hundreds of Level 3 FFS assessments, most of which were completed as emergency jobs, with turn-around of the initial results in 24 to 48 hours. Our extensive practical experience in performing FFS will ensure you get the guidance you need within the shortest practical timeframe.
Assessment methods include:
- Thickness loss (general/local/pitting)
- Weld misalignment/shell distortion
- Dents/gouges
- Crack-like flaws (fatigue and fracture)
- Creep damage
- Brittle fracture
- Hydrogen damage
- Fire damage
- Laminations
In support of FFS assessments, IES can:
- Conduct metallurgical and corrosion assessments.
- Evaluate degradation rates.
- Perform remaining life assessments.
- Optimise application of inspection methods.
- Develop practical repair strategies.
- Apply Advanced Analysis techniques